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Male Breast Reduction

Male Breast Reduction is performed at London's Nip n Tuck Surgery for men wishing to remove excess breast tissue and achieve a firmer, flatter, more masculine chest.

Gynecomastia is a medical term that comes from the Greek words for 'woman' and 'breast,' and affects forty to sixty percent of the male population in the United Kingdom. The appearance of enlarged breasts can cause a great deal of embarrassment and stress, and can lead to a loss of confidence and self esteem.

The excess tissue which leads to breast enlargement can either be fatty or glandular, and it can be attributed to many different causes including: excess levels of the female hormone oestrogen, excessive alcohol intake, poor diet, drugs such as anabolic steroids, or excessive weight loss that creates sagging skin. 
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More about the condition

Gynecomastia surgery, more commonly referred to as Male Breast Reduction, can result in a firmer, flatter and better contoured chest area, leading to a more aesthetically pleasing appearance, and a return of self confidence.

There are three grades of gynecomastia that are treated with male breast reduction surgery.

  • Grade I is a localised button of tissue concentrated around the areola, which is normally easy to remove as the chest is not fatty and there is no excess skin.
  • Grade II is Diffuse Gynecomastia, where there is a fatty build up in the chest and the edges of the tissue are indistinct.
  • Grade III is Diffuse Gynecomastia with excessive skin, a condition that usually means that patients require external (outside the areola) incisions or nipple repositioning, or both.

Before you undergo any form of male breast reduction, London surgeon Mohammad Jawad will be happy to thoroughly discuss your personal options, and inform you of the optimal treatment for your needs. It is important to note that gynaecomastia surgery is not recommended for everyone, and is not a substitute for weight loss. Overweight or obese men will in most cases be advised to pursue a regime of healthy eating and exercise before considering male breast reduction surgery.

The Operation

Gynecomastia surgery is performed either with sedatives and local anaesthetic, or under general anaesthetic. Depending on the individual patient, the treatment takes between one and three hours.

When excess fatty tissue is the main cause for the male breast reduction, London surgeon Mohammad Jawad will usually employ liposuction for the best results. This is where fat cells are broken down and then sucked out using a hollow tube (cannula) attached to a high powered pump. A small incision is made near the areola or by the armpit in order to allow the cannula to access the tissue, and when the treatment is complete, these incisions are stitched.

When removing excess glandular tissue, it is sometimes necessary to utilise a scalpel to break up and remove unwanted materials, and in cases where a large amount of tissue is removed, it may be necessary to make larger incisions and to remove some excess skin.

After your male breast reduction, London surgeon Mohammad Jawad will put a drain in place in order to ensure that excess blood or fluid does not build up inside the body. A pressure garment is usually worn for around one to four weeks, in which time bruising, tenderness and lumpiness can often occur, but should not persist. Pain medication will be prescribed should the need occur.

Mr Jawad notes the importance of understanding the inherent risks associated with any form of surgery, and in the case of male breast reduction surgery, these include:

  • Infection, excessive bleeding, noticeable scars, permanent pigment changes in the breast area.
  • Asymmetry of the nipple and/or breast
  • Sensory changes
  • Male Breast Ptosis (drooping) at the lower edge of the pectoral chest muscles. (Removing excess tissue and skin does not always resolve the drooping issue, however in many instances an additional treatment called Male Breast Lift can address the issue.)

Summary of Procedure

Male breast reduction is an effective and lasting treatment can help restore a more pleasing physical shape in the chest area, and can restore confidence. As with any cosmetic treatment, you should consider all available options thoroughly before making any decisions, and your goals should always be realistic.

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Male Breast Reduction Overview

Length of Surgery 2.5 - 3 hours

Anaesthesia General anesthetic. The procedure is always performed in a hospital operating theatre and requires an overnight stay.

What to expect immediately after the operationDrains, Heamatoma < 1%, bruising & swelling, altered nipple sensation, wound breakdown at T-junction.


  • 2 weeks off work.
  • Exercise/walk/ lower torso 4-6 weeks with support.
  • Avoid travelling long distances.
  • Massage /Scar Management as soon as the wound healed 10-14 days.
  • Wound check and change of dressing after 1 week.
  • After 2 weeks, no dressing required in most of cases - just covers with Micropore tape.
  • Scars will be raised, lumpy, itchy, painful and red to begin with. Supportive vest to be worn.
  • Full recovery after 3 months.

Post Surgery Advice

  • Use recommended painkillers as required.
  • After a few days any gauze dressings can be removed and you may need to wear a supportive vest. It should be worn as directed by the surgeon.
  • Physical contact should be avoided for the first week or so as your breasts will be feeling very sensitive.
  • Your surgeon will advise when to begin exercising and normal activities.
  • Contact your surgeon immediately if you notice any signs of infection or if you experience bleeding or a sudden increase in pain.
  • To improve the healing of scars, patients should consider: Massage; moisturizing cream such as E45/Nivea; micropore tape across healed area; silicon gel or sheet (we recommend Kelocote Gel); supportive vest.

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